Three things to remember for the conversion:
- Stream acts as the center of the conversion.
- int[] should first be converted to IntStream, which is not a subclass of Stream.
- String[] and List<String> could be converted directly without the help of Stream.
Please refer to the number for the conversion code below
1. IntStream intStream =;
2. int[] numsReversed = intStream.toArray();3. Stream<Integer> integerStream= intStream.boxed();
4. IntStream intStreamReverse = integerStream.mapToInt(i -> i); //Integer::intValue5. List<Integer> integerList = integerStream.collect(Collectors.toList());
6. Stream<Integer> integerStreamRevered =;String[] stringsArr = {"a", "b"};
7. Stream<String> stringStream =;
8. String[] stringsArrReverse = stringStream.toArray(String[]::new);9. List<String> stringList = Arrays.asList(stringsArr);
10. String[] StringsArrReverseFromList = stringList.toArray(new String[0]);